Amidst the bombardment of coronavirus stories, Channel NewsAsia (CNA) has released a new, 48-minute documentary about climate change. Featuring Data-Driven Lab Director Angel Hsu in a lab coat, Carbon Conundrum explores the science of global warming, its impacts on...
This article was originally published on the South China Morning Post. This year marks the start of a new decade, likely the last decade that humanity has to address climate change before its worst impacts become irreversible. We desperately need all countries to...
In a recent op-ed in The Straits Times, Tilak Doshi and Euston Quah criticize what appears to them as unreasonable measures to mitigate the effects of climate change in Singapore. Doshi and Quah argue that transitioning away from fossil fuels in Singapore would be...
The following commentary was originally published on Channel NewsAsia. SINGAPORE: Countries met in Madrid this month to finalise the details of the Paris Agreement before it officially goes into effect next year. But we’re already several strides behind the start...
Data-Driven Lab will begin a new research project mapping city, province, and company climate efforts in China, the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter and energy consumer. The organization recently received a Chinese Research Programme grant from the Tan Chin Tuan...
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