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Wednesday, Dec. 4

10:00 am – 1:00 pm: CAMDA Preparatory Meetings – Pressing ‘record’ on Climate Action” 

Ahead of the next Global Stocktake in 2023, monitoring progress towards the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals will aid implementation, bolster credibility, and inform future strategies. The objective of this two-day workshop is to put into motion a framework towards establishing metrics for tracking progress. This will enable cooperative and individual climate actions to be tracked from going forward in such a way that they will ultimately appear on the Global Climate Action portal and be utilized by the broader analytical and research community.

Location: COP-25 Official Venue
Invitation only

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm: The Future of the Global Climate Action Agenda: Potential Priorities and Options for Institutional Arrangements

This roundtable builds on previous consultations and workshops held over the course of 2019. Our purpose is to clarify our collective thinking around what options for arrangements for GCA might be most suitable after 2020. The event’s goal is not to arrive at a common view. More discussions along these lines will be needed next year. Rather, we hope to brainstorm and discuss a wide array of options so that we can collectively understand more what might be possible and desirable.

Location: WWF Pavilion
Invitation only

Thursday, Dec. 5

10:00 am – 1:00 pm: Pressing ‘record’ on Climate Action” 

Ahead of the next Global Stocktake in 2023, monitoring progress towards the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals will aid implementation, bolster credibility, and inform future strategies. The objective of this two-day workshop is to put into motion a framework towards establishing metrics for tracking progress. This will enable cooperative and individual climate actions to be tracked from going forward in such a way that they will ultimately appear on the Global Climate Action portal and be utilized by the broader analytical and research community.

Director Hsu will be speaking at this event.

Location: Official COP-25 Venue


Thursday, Dec. 5

10:00 am – 1:00 pm: Pressing ‘record’ on Climate Action” 

Ahead of the next Global Stocktake in 2023, monitoring progress towards the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals will aid implementation, bolster credibility, and inform future strategies. The objective of this two-day workshop is to put into motion a framework towards establishing metrics for tracking progress. This will enable cooperative and individual climate actions to be tracked from going forward in such a way that they will ultimately appear on the Global Climate Action portal and be utilized by the broader analytical and research community.

Director Hsu will be speaking at this event.

Location: Official COP-25 Venue


Thursday, Dec. 5


4:30 – 7:00 pm, followed by reception. RSVP here

The event will feature innovative digital solutions from the Open Climate Collabathon, a two-week global hackathon with participants from LA to Melbourne. We aim to connect members from the tech community and key climate stakeholders to discuss how we can radically collaborate and realize some of these proposed solutions moving into 2020 – a critical year in which the Paris Agreement comes into force and the world will be working towards demonstrating progress at the 2023 Global Stocktake. The event is hosted by Data-Driven EnviroLab, in partnership with Yale Open Lab and the Climate Chain Coalition.

Location: AC Hotel Marriott Feria, Via de los Poblados, 3, 28033 Madrid (a short <20-min walk from the IFEMA)

Detailed agenda here.

RSVP required. No official COP-25 registration required to attend.

Friday, Dec. 6

-4:30 – 5:00 pm: Official UNFCCC Press Conference –  Radical Collaboration for Climate Action Tracking

Location: Official COP-25 Venue Press Room – open to those with COP-25 registration
To be livestreamed

Saturday, Dec. 7

-4:30 – 6:00 pm: From data to policy: Unlocking the power of indexes for Sustainable Development and Climate Action

16:30 Welcome
16:35 The power of indexes. As data becomes the challenge of our time, indexes have the ability to turn complex issues into digestible narratives. In this session, we ask index developers how they use their aggregated metrics to derive powerful messages and attract attention to the issue at stake.

  • Ana Rita Neves, Competence Centre on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards, European Commission’s Joint Research Centre
  •  Jan Burck, Climate Change Performance Index, Germanwatch
  • Angel Hsu, Urban Environment and Social Inclusion Index, Yale-NUS College

17:10 Fuelling policy with data: A way forward Can data save the planet? How to harness the power of data and what are the challenges ahead? In this panel discussion, we explore and reflect on the potential of data and indexes to support policymaking and monitor progress on sustainable development and climate action with a focus on the local level.

  • Markku Markkula, First Vice-President of the European Committee of the Regions
  • Matthew Phillips, Team Lead, Global Climate Action portal (NAZCA), UNFCCC
  • Miguel Morcillo, Project Director, Climate Alliance
  • Local Government representative (tbc)

Location: EU Pavilion – open to the public
