This post originally appeared on The City Fix. Beijing’s recent string of blue-sky days may be a more common sight to behold in 2015. This past week, the Chinese capital released the five-year “Beijing Municipal Clean Air Action Plan,” which aims to increase the...
This post originally appeared on ChinaFAQs, the World Resources Institute, and Grist. By Deborah Seligsohn and Angel Hsu The draft of China’s much-anticipated 12th Five-Year Plan was released this Saturday, March 5 at the opening session of the National People’s...
This post originally appeared on and the World Resources Institute website. China’s annual political meetings begin on Thursday March 3 and the major outcome will be the announcement of the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015). Votes at both the advisory...
This post originally appeared on The City Fix. One present Santa may have brought a lot of Chinese families this year: a small car. On Tuesday, the Chinese government announced a 10 percent sales tax on small cars effective January 1, sending many who had planned to...
Guangzhou opened a new BRT system to help reduce traffic, but experts say other solutions, like congestion pricing, should also be considered. Photo by everywhereATonce. (Originally featured on The City Fix). As heard today on The New York Times Dot Earth blog,...
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