On November 2, Data-Driven Lab supported a datathon centered on Southeast Asia’s haze crisis. The haze is a recurring issue in the region and is mainly caused by the burning of land in Indonesia. In September, forest fires in Indonesia were so severe that skies...
“Do or do not, there is no try,” once said great Jedi master Yoda, whose likeness peered out from a tranquil pond below DBS Bank’s Asia X office, located in LucasFilms’ aptly-named Sandcrawler building. Students participating in Yale-NUS’s Data 2.0 Hackathon kept...
In 2012, Harvard Business Review crowned “Data Scientist” the sexiest job of the 21st century. Since that year, the field of data science – which combines statistics and computer science, to interpret data and inform decision-making – has leaped from milestone to...
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